Occasionally, you may be asked to update to the newest version of Wordscapes. This is so we can ensure the game runs as smoothly as possible, as well as make sure you receive any new fun features and events. This time around, we have some exciting new events and changes we don’t want you to miss out on!

You may ask, another update? Yes, we hear you! We have some very exciting additions to look forward to, and we don’t want you to miss out. For example…

🦃 Have those of you on the latest version noticed that the Goofy Gobbler now gives out 1000 Heart Gems at level 7? Be sure to update to the newest version to benefit from this special bonus!

🍁 Speaking of turkeys, look out for special November events coming up soon!

⛰️ The season is turning on Mt. Fortune! Fall Colors begin on November 11. 

🦨 The Skunk has found its permanent home in the Red Egg. The Wombat has found its home in the Yellow Egg.

✅ Bug Fixes: Several of you have reported an issue with the special Spooky Egg disappearing from the home screen. This should now be fixed!

To make sure you’re on the latest version, the easiest thing is to turn on automatic updates. You can also update the game manually by visiting your App Store or Play Store. To do this, you can tap this link from the device where you play Wordscapes and then tap “Update”: app.adjust.com/eyd5fm9_vry81jm 

Please keep in mind, if you don’t update the game, you will encounter a required update a few days later. The latest events and features are often only available on the most recent version of the game, so be sure to update as soon as you can. 

Unfortunately, we cannot support older versions of the game, so if you can’t update for any reason, you won’t be able to play.