General Gameplay Questions
How does the game decide what's a valid word?
All our word games use a list of English words that contains over 150,000 words! If you come across a word that you think should be accepted...
Can I see word definitions?
In the lower left corner is a blue button labeled "Aa". Whenever you have a valid word in your letter tray (or right after you have submitte...
How can I remove cards from the letter tray?
You can use the blue Clear button, to the left of the Submit button, to completely empty the letter tray, and return all those letters to wh...
Can I get hints if I get stuck?
There's a Hint button, just to the right of the Submit button. It is completely free, and will suggest a word you can make right now, or it ...
How do I restart a level?
Tap the Options button (in the lower left corner, with the gear icon). Then tap the "Restart Level" button, and then confirm. But remember ....
How do I get more Hearts?
If your lives aren't full, you can use Coins to buy more Hearts. Just tap the "+" sign next to the Hearts meter on your Home screen.
What are Coins good for?
You can use them to buy boosters, such as Wild Cards. You can use them to undo after drawing a new draw pile card. You can use them to buy m...
How do I get more Coins?
You can earn Coins by: Achieving the Bonus Goal when you play a level. Inscribing Lost Words in the Library. Earning Stars to open Star Ches...
Does the game accept proper nouns?
Proper nouns (people's names, names of places, etc.) are not accepted.All of our word games use a list of English words that contains over 1...
What happens when I run out of levels?
We are adding more levels to the game with each new release. However, if you do beat the current highest level, then we offer you Master Lev...
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