Bonus Goals
Bonus Goal Overview
Every level has the goal of clearing all the cards from the board. However, starting at Level 26, levels will also have a secondary Bonus Go...
Bonus Goal: Points
To achieve this bonus goal, simply score at least the indicated number of points. The Points Bonus Goal will always be more challengi...
Bonus Goal: N-or-More Letters
To achieve this Bonus Goal, you must make a certain number of words of at least a given length. The number of words, and the length of those...
Bonus Goal: Timer
To achieve this Bonus Goal, complete the level before the timer counts down to zero. If the timer reaches 0:00 before the level has been com...
Bonus Goal: Omega Cards
Omega Cards are gold-colored cards that will be somewhere on the board. To achieve this Bonus Goal, the Omega Card must be used in the final...
Bonus Goal: No 2-Letter Words
Simple but challenging ... to achieve this Bonus Goal, complete the level without making any 2-letter words. If you submit a 2-letter word,...
Bonus Goal: N-or-Fewer Words
You must complete the level making the indicated number of words, or less. In other words, you must make longer words. If the number of sub...
Bonus Goal: Dynamic Word Length
This is a dynamic Bonus Goal, as indicated by the green two-arrow symbol, meaning that it changes from turn to turn. You must submit a word ...
Bonus Goal: Grand Finale
End your level with a flourish! To achieve this Bonus Goal, your final word of the level must be at least the indicated length. In the exam...
Bonus Goal: Dynamic Starts & Ends
This is another dynamic Bonus Goal, as indicated by the green arrows symbol, meaning that the goal changes over the course of the level. Yo...
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